SCCP-2147: Raise the OI Cap on SOL
Author | Kaleb |
Status | Implemented |
Type | Governance |
Network | Optimism |
Implementor | TBD |
Release | TBD |
Proposal | Closed – 8 vote(s) sYES - 8 |
Created | 2024-11-22 |
Simple Summary
This SCCP proposes to raise the maxMarketValue
on the SOL market to 670k (175m dollars) from 550k.
The maxMarketValue
is the limit set on open interest (longs or shorts).
The change is in light of the recent utilization of the limit on the SOL market which is quickly approaching 90%. Note that the market is backed by the size of the SNX staked, close to 370m$, given the deprecation of spot markets and legacy products.
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